waterside cottage Heron (Kyotango)

waterside cottage Heron is a countryside-style restaurant with western design influence. The property sits on a river near the mouth of Kumihama Bay and has an adjacent inn where visitors can stay right on the water.
Heron serves a variety of local produce and seafood, and is a member of the KYOTO BY THE SEAson: cuisine, "seasonal fare" cooperative to provide local and seasonal food.
note: the chef recommends the oyster paella in March, and the seafood paella cooked with leeks, local produce and seafood in a homemade broth.
TEL: 0772-82-0101
address: 2983-1, Kumihamacho, Kyotango-shi, Kyoto
hours:11:30-16:00, 18:00-21:00 (reservation required in the evening)
closed: no fixed days off
specials: oyster paella (March-only) two portions 3,456 yen ... (reservation necessary)