Mukai Shuzo sake brewery (Ine)

Located on the bay in Ine's charming fishing village, but don't be fooled by the laid back atmosphere and quiet streets. This brewery is a serious international contender. In a Japan where most breweries are still run by men, Mukai's master brewer is female and she has made quite a name for herself. Her iconic red rice sake has found its way to the tables of two European 2-star Michelin restaurants, Denmark's, Noma, and Belgium's, The Jane.
Stop by the brewery for a tasting or to purchase some sake while visiting Ine's famous boathouses. They also sell red rice sake ice cream!
TEL: 0772-32-0003
address: Yosa-gun, Ine-cho, Hirata 67
hours: 9:00am-6:00pm
closed: mondays